Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Yankees Stadium Cursed?

This week it was reported that a Boston Red Sox jersey happened to find its way into the concrete foundation under the Yankees clubhouse at the new stadium that is scheduled to open in 2009. It had been placed in the concrete by one of the construction workers who happens to be a Red Sox fan. He was hoping that it would jinx the rival Yankees and prevent them from winning future World Series Titles.

The Yankees denied the report and said that it was likely a made up story because of the history of “curses” and such. However, today the jersey was excavated from the site. Yankees co-chairperson, Hank Steinbrenner, had this to say about the worker, “I hope his co-workers kick the [expletive] out of him.”

Even though the Yankees removed the jersey, I think the first time that something goes wrong, and remember they play in New York so something is always wrong according to the organization, fans, and media, the jersey will be talked about as a curse. Even though it was removed from the site, it was once a part of the stadium, so I do not know that a “curse” or something like that ever actually goes away. Remember, the Cubs brought a goat to their stadium as a way to set their “curse” straight, and they have yet to win a World Series, so I do not know if something like that can ever really be reversed? I find it somewhat appropriate that the former Red Sox curse centered around a larger and power-hitting player, Babe Ruth, and the jersey that was buried at the new stadium had Boston’s David Ortiz on it, who is also a larger guy who is known specifically for his power-hitting. So as we have seen the “Curse of the Bambino” end, could we be seeing the start of the “Curse of Big Papi” for the next 86 years or so?

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